POLYPHONIC MAP: http://polyphoniccaravan.gr/

The new webpage of the Polyphonic Caravan



History (of “Apiros” journal)


A founding action of “Apiros” was the publication of the homonym journal. The first issue was released in July 1998, just a few days after the foundation of the homonym non-profit organization. As a subtitle to the written-by-hand title of the journal’s cover page, the motto “Thesprotic Publication for Culture and the Environment”, which was expressing the particular imprint of the issue. 

The journal’s first issue, with an extended feature dedicated to the Polyphonic Song, was published with a print volume of 700 copies which were very quickly sold out! Due to high demand, after a few months the issue was republished in 1000 copies. The following two issues of the journal contained features dedicated respectively to the archaeological settlements of Thesprotia and to the Polyphonic Song (presentations from the two-day scientific seminar), published with a print volume of 1000 copies each. 

The organizational expansion of the Polyphonic Caravan, the development of the polyphony workshops, the creation and continuous enrichment of the Polyphonic Song Archive, the priority given initially to the discographic editions and subsequently to the audiovisual productions, did not permit the publication of the journal during the following years. The voluntary character of the action as well as the lack of support for many years have shaped a financial framework , deterrent for the continuation of its publication.

In 2020, “Apiros” is being republished with a special issue entirely dedicated to the 20-year-anniversary of the Polyphonic Caravan, having the expectation that its annual, periodic publication will be possible henceforth. The journal’s previous issues continue to be distributed during the Polyphonic Caravan’s events and their demand, after all these years, justifies their publication and underlies the need for “Apiros” regular re-issuance.

Social Media



          https://www.facebook.com/polyphoniccΤηε aravan


          "APIROS" in FB



          The POLYPHONIC SONG in FB





         the POLYPHONIC CARAVAN to Youtube










            Polyphonic Caravan

            International Festival of Polyphonic Song

            Polydroso, Thesprotia, 4410 17 - GREECE

            Pigmalionos 2, Athens 118 51 - GREECE

            Tel & Fax (+30) 210 3310 919

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