"Apiros" constantly enriches, broadens and expands its action.
"Apiros" planning of actions for 2020 includes:
- Organization of the Winter Polyphonic Caravan (3-6.1.2020)
- Organization of the 5th Polyphony Workshop in Berlin (17-19.1.2020)
- Organization of the event under the title "20 years Polyphonic Caravan" at the Greek Hellenic Community of Berlin (19.1.2020)
- Audiovisual recording of the Carnival Meeting of Tsampounes in Samos (21-23.2.2020)
- Publication of an "Apiros" feature dedicated to the 20 years of the Polyphonic Caravan (by 31.3.2020)
- Audiovisual recording of Easter customs at Olympos, Karpathos (15-24.4.2020)
- Team mission in Paris with a view to develop contacts for international synergies (1-8.5.2020)
- Organization of the celebration for the "Polyphonic Song Day" (14.5.2020)
- Organization of the Spring Polyphonic Caravan (21-24.5.2020)
- Organization of the 21st Big Polyphonic Song Festival (13.6.2020)
- Completion of the 2019-2020 seminars of the Polyphony Workshop at the Center for Greek Music "Fivos Anogianakis" (21.6.2020)
- Completion of the 2019-2020 seminars of the Polyphony Workshop at the Pan-Epirotic Confederation of Greece (25.6.2020)
- Preparation and organization of the 1st Balkan Polyphonic Caravan (1-12.8.2020)
- Field-based recordings during the folk celebrations of Olympos, Karpathos (20-27.8.2020)
- Completion of the online presentation of the Polyphonic Song Archive (by 30.9.2020)
- Organization of the 6th Polyphony Workshop in Berlin (2-4.10.2020)
- Beginning of the 2020-2021 seminars of the Polyphony Workshop at the Center for Greek Music "Fivos Anogianakis" (8.10.2020)
- Beginning of the 2020-2021 seminars of the Polyphony Workshop at the Pan-Epirotic Confederation of Greece (1.11.2020)
- Organization of the Autumn Polyphonic Caravan (13-15.11.2020)
- Organization of the 11th Polyphony Workshop at the Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People (1-5.12.2020)
- Completion of the production of the documentary "MOURGANA" (by 31.12.2020)
To all those, the following should be also added:
the permanent actions of the periodical field-based recordings, the continuous enrichment of the Polyphonic Song Archive, as well as the actions for which the time planning is still not defined (organization of events for the 20 years of the Polyphonic Caravan in various cities and countries, presentations of the nomination for the inscription of the Polyphonic Caravan in UNESCO's Register of Good Safeguarding Practices in Intangible Cultural Heritage, organization of Polyphony Workshops seminars in Volos, Santorini, Chios etc)