
Continuous enrichment of the Polyphonic Caravan's YouTube Channel!



The constant work of "Apiros" and the Polyphonic Caravan is continued with the digitalization of valuable archival materials of the Polyphonic Sogn Archive and their publication, among others, through our channel at YouTube.

The publications of videos are accompanied by well-documented texts and references, valuable for anyone who wants to research, learn more on the polyphonic song and the practice itself and travels of the Polyphonic Caravan.

Those publications are shared through the Polyphonic Caravan's channel at YouTube, as well as daily through the pages and groups in social media and through the present site in the column dedicated to "DIGITAL POLIS-PHONY".

The next period, some publications will be dedicated to the Spring Polyphonic Caravans, with a series of field-based recordings from 2006 to 2019, which will be presented, among others, through the YouTube channel.

Stay tuned and subscribe to our channel!